Elizabeth Earle

Elizabeth Earle

1 minute

Elizabeth Earle is an author, sailor and narrowboater, based in the UK. Preferring the worlds in her books, Elizabeth ignores all advice from her family (much to their despair) and makes decisions based on creating as fantastical a life as possible.

This attitude led her to become crew on SV Delos, sailing across the South Atlantic, renovating a 1960s hurricane boat in the Caribbean, adopting a street dog after too much rum, and returning home to England to bring a sunken 32ft canal boat back from the dead.

 Narrow boat on the canal

But now, the real adventure has just begun. As Captain of a historical 1920s narrowboat, she single handles a 70ft mass of 23 tons around the UK waterways, uncovering the forgotten gruelling history of the boat workers before her.

As she embarks on her 2023 Historical History Tour around the UK, she will face exhausting flights of locks, 200-year-old pitch-black tunnels, and hopefully a portal into Middle Earth.

 Elizabeth boating the canal

Writing her experiences as a single woman faced with the dangers of the towpath, mooring difficulties, running aground, finding that perfect pub and mourning her terrible dating experiences, Elizabeth knows that to be the heroine of her perfect adventure story, she needs the right gear. And this is when Mustang Survival came in.

Elizabeth in Kazan liner

Elizabeth's favouite Mustang Survival piece: Kazan Drysuit Liner

Fast Facts:

  • Author of 8 fantasy books
  • Despiser of peanut butter and mint chocolate (it's a terrible tale)
  • Believes courage comes from doing things in spite of fear
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